I am already praying on my own. Why should I consider this?

It’s not uncommon for individuals to struggle with prayer on their own. If you’ve been given a gift of a deep and rich personal prayer life, might God desire to use your presence in the group and prayers to encourage others?

Even if you do have a consistent individual prayer life, there is an added power and solidarity in praying together with the greater body of Christ. Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.” (Matthew 18:20). An added momentum comes as you join in carrying one another’s in burdens in prayer, and celebrating answers to prayer together.

What is the time commitment on this?

Each week, it will take you about 30 minutes to read the chapter of the week ahead of time, so that you are ready to discuss. The weekly real-time gathering to pray and discuss together will be 75 minutes online.

Where will the meetings be held? What technology will I need?

You can join in from anywhere in the world. All meetings will be held online on Zoom, a video conferencing software. You will be emailed instructions on how to connect to the meeting closer to the start date.

Can I come for only some of the sessions?

Along with the Holy Spirit, your full presence and active participation collaborates on the conversation between you, Jesus, your group, and your city. Come ready to connect with fellow members, with your thoughts and questions, eager to dive in to lively prayer and discussion. In other words, your absence is also felt when we miss your voice at the table. Coming in and out interrupts the flow of group dynamics, building trust and prayer momentum.

Therefore, your full presence is requested for all 8 sessions. (If you know you are going to miss more than 2 sessions, we ask that you wait until a future season when you are able to be more committed to the group.)

I don’t know if I have time for this right now.

As followers of Jesus, looking to how he spent his time on earth is a great point of reflection. Jesus didn’t leave a busy life to pray, He left a praying life to be busy. If you need to be convinced, then maybe it’s not the right time for you right now. We encourage you to pray and ask Jesus what his invitation to you is for this season. If it’s not the right time, but you are interested in joining a future cohort, sign up for our waitlist by emailing us at support@prayercurrent.com.

What is the investment?

What is it worth to you to have a deep well of supernatural peace and hope in troubling times? What is the value to you to enjoy rich, edifying fellowship that strengthens you with resilience for the road ahead? What are you willing to invest to be filled with the Spirit’s abundant power and vision to reach a lost and hurting world?

To join a group, we’re asking you to invest $120 for the 8 sessions (it works out to only $15 each, the cost of a movie ticket).

Why is there a cost involved?

Groups are led by trained facilitators who are paid a modest honorarium to appreciate their leadership, time and energy. The facilitators possess a wealth of ministry experience to guide you into a positive prayer experience. Any additional funds are invested back into the ministry, enabling us to continue training leaders all around the world.

We have also found that having a modest fee helps to solidify your commitment to growing with the group. (The inverse that we have found is that “free” can diminish the value of the opportunity in a way that can be unhelpful to your growth.)

We recognize that some of you may be enduring financial hardship. Please contact us to inquire about subsidies that are available.

If you are in the position and feel called to give financially toward providing a subsidy to make it possible for others to join a group, you may make a donation here.

Who is hosting the book club? Who are the facilitators?

This book club initiative is offered by Prayer Current, a ministry organization that exists to help you reach your world by making disciples through prayer. For 20 years we have provided biblical and practical training resources and experiences to churches and mission organizations in North America, Cuba, India, China and Russia. 

Through our ministry partnerships over the years, God has built a godly team of trained facilitators with a wealth of ministry experience to guide you into a positive and engaging prayer experience for you. Each group will be facilitated by one of these leaders.