What Will It Cost You to Keep Pursuing a Prayerless Way of Doing Ministry?

  • Exhaustion and overwhelm in maintaining the ministry out of hard work and human effort will rob your people of power, joy and freedom.

  • Anemic, self-focused, survival prayer won’t take your people far in the spiritual battle. Leaders weak and untrained in kingdom prayer lead to little lasting fruit.

  • Prayer meetings attended sparsely by a handful of aging prayer warriors will soon become extinct.

  • Believers in your care remain spiritually immature, frozen in fear, missing out on the bold joy of following Jesus into the harvest field.

  • Seekers remain wandering and lost, not knowing a single believer who can witness to, love, and pray for them to get to know Jesus.

What You Will Gain

We have helped hundreds of leaders and dozens of ministries re-orient and build a foundation of prayer, weaving prayer throughout the entire fabric of the organization.

When your ministry is truly a house of prayer, imagine what you can see God do:

  • Believers experience joy and power, maturing into missionaries

  • Seekers come to know Jesus

  • Homes become ministry centres

  • Neighborhoods turn into parishes

  • Churches transform into the crossroads of kingdom renewal

  • Bold spiritual advance in the city eclipses retreating out of fear

But you have to choose to prioritize prayer. Building a foundation of prayer won’t just happen on its own.

It requires the power of the Spirit, concerted intentional effort, Biblical tools and prayer leadership skills.

There is no cruise control for prayer. Lasting spiritual advance cannot happen apart from prayer.

So, are you ready to answer the call?

“Even those I will bring to My holy mountain
And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar;
For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.” ~Isaiah 56:7

Join us March 21 - 25, 2022