LEADING DYNAMIC PRAYER is a 3 week catalytic prayer leadership training workshop designed to equip your leaders with vision and practical prayer leadership experience so that you can bear the fruit of multiplying prayer discipleship for the advance of Christ’s message and mission in your world.
Assess and cultivate your prayer vision. Build the prayer discipleship pathway of prayer momentum. Leave with a plan and resources of how you’ll strategically bring prayer into the artery of your particular church.
Receive prayer coaching in community with your key leaders as you practice together. Connect and collaborate with prayer teams from other cities for a cohort experience.
Train your leaders in essential prayer facilitation skills to multiply prayer leadership and participation. Practice a prayer pedagogy that engages people in heart transformation which leads to city transformation.
You don’t need to fumble forward alone. Allow us to guide you with a lifetime of experience, inspired case studies, and proven resources to build your church as a house of prayer who truly prays for the nations.
Jan. 29, Feb. 5 & 12, 2022
Must attend all three sessions
Discover how the Prayer Current approach has helped ministries like yours become rooted in prayer.